Adult & Senior Eye Exams at Book Optical

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Stronger Vision With a Softer Touch

Finding the right eyeglass prescription begins with a comprehensive eye exam. Our optometry team makes no compromise when it comes to your ocular health. We combine tried-and-true exam practices with modern digital technology and non-invasive methods.

At Book Optical, we take a holistic approach to eye exams, ensuring that you feel completely comfortable before leaving. One of our foundations is serving your entire family, offering children’s eye exams and eye disease management.

We’d Like to See You Often

We can reduce the onset of eye disease by performing regularly scheduled eye exams. Catching eye conditions in their early stages makes a significant difference in your ocular health. How often we need to see you depends on your demographic.

What We Look For

As much as we love outfitting you in the latest designer eyewear, it all starts by understanding your visual health and recognizing potential risks. Beyond building a prescription that will help your vision, our optometrists use the exam process to check for eye diseases. 

Eye diseases we detect include glaucoma, diabetes, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). These conditions can exist for months before symptoms become noticeable. Regardless of your age, we want to get ahead of eye disease progression so that you can live your life with confident vision.

Optomap Retinal Imaging

Your retina, located at the back of your eye, is the only place where blood vessels can be seen directly. By regularly observing the retina, we can help detect eye diseases and even health conditions like heart disease, hypertension, or diabetes early on before any symptoms appear.

Optomap ultra-widefield imaging provides a broad view of your retina. Unlike traditional imaging with a limited 45-degree view, the optomap captures a 200-degree image

At Book Optical, we prioritize your eye health and include optomap imaging in every eye exam. By using this technology, we can detect potential eye problems early and recommend appropriate treatment options.

2 Locations in Winnipeg


Find us on the corner of St. Mary Avenue and Vaughan Street in downtown Winnipeg. There’s ample parking available in 3 nearby parking lots. 

  • 235-444 St. Mary Ave
  • Winnipeg, MB R3C 3T1

Closed from 1-2 pm for lunch

Scurfield Blvd

Find us in the strip mall on the corner of Scurfield Boulevard and Kenaston Boulevard, behind Lowe’s Home Improvement.

  • 143 Scurfield Blvd
  • Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1L6

Monday and Friday closed 1-2 pm for lunch
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday closed 2-3 pm for lunch

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